
Can you get a commercial driver’s license....

Posted on February 8, 2022 by John

California is one of the strictest states when it comes to the consequences of DUI’s, including getting a commercial driver’s license. Two DUI’s results in a lifetime ban on applying for a CDL. There is no way around it. One DUI on your record will not necessarily...


How do I fight a red-light camera....

Posted on January 25, 2022 by John

You get a ticket in the mail with the picture of your car at a red light, or more accurately, your car going through a red light. You’re puzzled. You don’t even remember being on that street much less going through a light. But there you are,...


How to fight a ticket for an....

Posted on January 11, 2022 by John

California has some of the strictest moving violation standards in the country. With the number of cars on the road, you better be certain of the rules. If you’re not, you could end up with a ticket or other penalties. Most turn tickets involve illegal or unsafe...


Probation Violation Consequences in California

Posted on December 28, 2021 by John

Summary probation typically lasts up to one year in California (though it can last longer if the specific crime statute calls for it). During that time, the defendant must comply with certain conditions, such as obeying all laws, going to counseling if ordered, paying restitution, or performing community service....


Do Domestic Abuse Cases go to Court?

Posted on December 14, 2021 by John

The short answer is, yes. Domestic abuse cases are rising in numbers and intensity across the U.S. In California, a sentence can run from a year in county jail for misdemeanors up to 4 years in state prison for felony sentences. While there are different levels of...


Is a federal speeding ticket a misdemeanor?

Posted on November 30, 2021 by John

Generally, yes. Just because you are not on a state-owned road does not mean you can’t get a traffic ticket. If you are issued a traffic citation by a federal officer in California, it will be because you violated a section of the same California Vehicle Code...


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